Others Vs. Me

How do I post a post-holiday blog? Do I focus on what was missing this year, what was new this year, what made me ache, what made me cry, what made me smile?

This Christmas I had some great holiday moments, and some sad ones too. Being sick didn’t help matters – a head cold always fuzzies my emotions, and then I just sink further into the pity widow party.

I tried to think more of others this year-of the exciting things to come, of those missing out, for people who are facing their first Christmases without loved ones, for those who just don’t have enough. Becoming more “others” focused has helped me move my grief and sorrows on my life towards seeing and wanting to understand that within others.

I have some more giving opportunities to experience coming into the new year, and I can only hope that this continues to help me channel the feelings I experience towards helping others and lessening their burdens.

Some days though, you need to have some down days, and to let yourself feel the pain of what is missing. But others, it’s ok to want to forget it, and to remember others instead.

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