What Am I Most Looking Forward to Moving Out??

Take a guess….

MY CAT DARRELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahh-I look forward to having someone else in my bed besides me again!

Was he NOT the cutest kitten ever?

Darrell still loves to hide even as a grown kitten

This is Darrell’s most common position: licking wet heads. Almost everytime Kev showered, he’d get cleaned dry by Darrell. It was adorable.

One of my all time favorite pictures: My boys. Did I not have the most handsomest boys in the world?

And yes, the past two pictures Kev was wearing Winnipeg standard shirts: Fort Garry Brewery, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers

A Darrell Standard 🙂

Darrell LOVES looking out windows, so good viewing windows are a high criteria for his new home, haha.

Regal Darrell.

So….what am going to miss most about moving out? Well, besides CLOSE comfort of family, which is most times nice ( 🙂 ), not having Kev to join me. 🙁

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Comments 2

  1. I have met Darrell and he is such a lover! And I had a cat once (he was like my soul mate as far as pets are concerned) that would lick my hair when it was wet, and get angry if I tried to move away from him…lol.

  2. Your cat and mine are TWINS!!!!!!! I will email you a pic of her!!!!!! 🙂

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