The Power of Research

The Sandy Hook 1 year anniversary is on Saturday, and thinking of my own life losses around this holiday season, it’s hard not think of what can be done to prevent this violence. I believe in prevention, which is why I’m so passionate about cancer research and funding.  I won’t take a written stance on gun control – I believe people should be allowed to choose on their own, short of felons with a history of violence. However, I believe in the power of information, research, knowing where things really stand.  Did you know that certain organizations helped de-fund government research on gun violence?

I heard this today on NPR and frankly, it pissed me off.  We let lobbyists control everything in congress.  We vote, yes.  But it’s lobbyists who ultimately get things done, and it’s frustrating.

The power of information is so very important – it should be accessible, available, public; Especially when it comes to something that stirs as many pots as gun control does.

Consider your voting power in elections ahead – but maybe we also need to consider hiring our own lobbyists to get some good done for once.


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