At the end of 2014, it was announced that the book won 1st Place Editor’s Choice at the North American Book Awards.
At the end of 2014, I also began hearing some reviews beyond friends and family. These were hard to read but it has stressed to me the importance of quality and patience. I was so happy to hear from those of you who just plain loved the story I had to share. Over the next 6 months, I plan to edit the book with feedback from readers and will release a 2nd edition of the e-book version based on this feedback. All Kickstarter supporters will receive a free download of this 2nd edition.
Thank you for an amazing first year.
I look forward to many more ahead!
Woot! Go, Brenda! 🙂 I had no idea you were on a talk show. That’s so cool! And, wow, great award. You’re just getting started!