On my “final” day of giving this week, I want to touch on a foundation that is really key to this blog and among my reasons for continuing to write and detail my journey through widowhood. When I first lost Kevin, I reached out into a world that didn’t know how to handle me. I found few organizations to support widows, let alone those who were especially young like myself. I connected on a popular widow message board, but was battled down by negativity there.
Through my blogging, and networking through Twitter I connected with other widows, who put me in touch with the Soaring Spirits Loss Foundation. While this foundation focuses on loss in general, they have a particular focus on widowhood, and even hold a ‘Camp Widow’ each year in California. Something I hope to attend or speak at some day! SSLF put my blog on their ‘blog roll’ to help connect with other widows in need. They work with widows around the country to sponsor events to connect women and men suffering the loss of their spouse.
This organization has and will continue to help women and men in need of support after such a significant loss. I am grateful for organizations such as SSLF that give attention to a devastating subject for many. Thank you!