When Kevin was sick, community came out of everywhere. We were sent support from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kevin’s hometown, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, my hometown, and many parts in between. Much of our support came from friends and family, but we also received support from complete strangers: community.
With the recent tragedies hitting towns all over the country due to tornadoes and floods, I have had the pleasure of reading amazing accounts of bravery and support from people from the communities that are being hit. One such account is from Amy Stevens on her blog. She talks about how not only her husband, but many in their community, threw themselves over their children to protect them.
I thought about the various ways in which we put ourselves at risk, or step out on a not-too-solid limb, for our community. Many people did this for Kevin and I in times of trouble when neither of us could work due to his cancer. They gave us their extra funds so that we could survive; they were willing to put themselves in a tighter financial bind so that we could live and be together during our difficult journey.
While I can’t financially do that for others, I can reach out to my community who can. I do this through various fundraisers supporting cancer research, others do it through donating their time to their community.
How are you throwing yourselves into your community to protect them? What are you risking now so that others can live?
Brenda, I really like this post. Great questions at the end. If we all understand community like this we would all be better off.