Sick on Thanksgiving

Yes, I’m sick on thanksgiving. 🙁 This stinks. It’s so much harder to stuff yourself on thanksgiving when you can’t breathe!

What a beautiful day though for a thankful day. I hope you all count your blessings and give thanks for the amazing things in your life today. Iam as well.

Things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:

A faithful supportive God

Being given an amazing husband who loved me more than I thought possible

Wonderful understanding family and friends

Strangers who walk with me on this journey with love

A roof over my head

Great doctors and nurses who helped us along this journey and made it last as long as it did

Financial support so that I can take time to figure out the next step in life

A free country that lets me believe and think what I want

Troops who are protecting our country and giving so much of themselves for our freedom

Freedom to do what I want to do when I want to do it

….just an overall GOOD life with many many challenges.

I want to send a special HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mom

Also birthday wishes to Tom.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL! Embrace the loved ones around you…

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Comments 3

  1. You’ll have to freeze a Thanksgiving dinner and enjoy it when you can breathe and taste again! You MUST get better in time for your trip to California’s mild weather. Several days away from the chilly air will do you good.

    Big hugs,
    Nan 🙂

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. This is a quick hello to let you know I am thinking of you every day, even on Thanksgiving.
    Love, Mandie

  3. I am thankful for you! You are a lovely person with a beautiful spirit. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
    love and prayers,

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