Tough Weekend Ahead

This is going to be a tough weekend ahead for ALL of us. Today we are going to the funeral home to see Kevin before the casket is closed. I cannot imagine how this is going to feel, but I know it’s going to hurt very badly.

Tomorrow will be the private burial before the visitation and funeral. For me, I believe this will be the hardest. As much as I hold him in my heart and soul, leaving his earthly body to rest is going to be so difficult.

Please keep Linda and Ken in your prayers. Unfortunately, Linda’s birthday is tomorrow, and that just makes this all the more harder to swallow.

Lift us up as we struggle through this very difficult weekend ahead. Thank you.

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Comments 3

  1. Your needs and that of your families are never far from our minds and we will continue to carry them to the Lord

  2. I will be thinking of you all today-this very very difficult day. As a mother myself, I can’t imagine the pain Linda must be feeling-what has happenned to Kevin is every mothers biggest fear and nightmare, and I don’t think any words can explain what she has to endure today.

    I read the words you write and my heart just breaks for you Brenda…I am thinking of you always.

  3. We have you, Ken, Linda and your family in our prayers and in our hearts as you lay dear Kevin to rest. Know that we are thinking of you …. please pass on our love as well to Linda

    God Bless all of you

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