To Love Life, to Not do Business with Life

Sometimes I just don’t want to write about the big issues in life.  It’s tiring.  I don’t want to stir any pots.  I want to just let things go.  But then I read these words from my friend Erin and I know that even if I don’t want to, I should.  For myself.  For you.

I know people who will never argue well.

I know people say mean things in the heat of the moment.

I know people who are right no matter how wrong they are.

I know people who have to control things in their life so tightly that everything spins out of control.

I know people who purposely keep their distance after an argument to save face.

I know people who step away from things when they need to step into things.

I know people who need to give up their grudges.

I know people who just need to love on one another.

I know these people, and I am a little bit of each of those people.

This growing up part of life, this being an adult thing really bites you in the bum sometimes.  It sucks.  The big kid responsibilities and the stress that comes with it.  Life is no longer revolving around your brother stealing the ball from you but much bigger things.  At least, seemingly bigger things.

I don’t want to downplay the business of life.  I know the business of life all too well.  Again, it sucks, and it bites you in the bum sometimes.

Instead, I want to look at how we get away from the business of life and get into the love of life.

I am not asking us to “just all get along”, although I did pose that question on Facebook the other night.  Oh how nice that would make the world.  I just know that’s not possible, it doesn’t go along with our history and that whole Adam & Eve sin thing.  But I know that there can be a peace that allows us to be in a room together even if we do not like one another.  A comfort in knowing one another’s issues and accepting them and moving forward.  A release of tension to not live in the past but to work towards a future.  I know that I need to focus on these things as well.

What is in your life that is a business of life?

What will it take to bring you to a love of life?

Can the two live side by side, even overlap?

Can we approach one another with words of love and kindness and support?

Can we admit that we are wrong?

Can we let go of our need to control it all?

Can we be present?

Can we commit?

Can we forgive?

Can we love?

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Comments 2

  1. “But I know that there can be a peace that allows us to be in a room together even if we do not like one another. A comfort in knowing one another’s issues and accepting them and moving forward. A release of tension to not live in the past but to work towards a future.”

    Yes! Maturity.

  2. Thank you Becky 🙂

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